Reviewer: phinn - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - July 20, Subject: Excellent collection Very comprehensive rom collection for FB Alpha. Not sure why other reviews saying this didn't unzip properly, it works perfectly with 7zip.
I'd like to see a full file listing though, because I deleted the 'Samples' folder it extracted and now wondering if this were the audio files some games need. Reviewer: Lancer - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 13, Subject: Thank you! #Final burn alpha roms set full# Works great, finally something that will be properly recognized by RetroArch scans. Don't know why people are having trouble extracting. Final burn neo rom set download This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on Archive. Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. Uploaded by ChadMaster on January 7, This banner text can have markup. Topics finalburn neofinalburnneofbnfbneofinal burn neo, arcaderomsromsetcompletefullfbalphafba.